Hello! Im Derpy Duke, You may know me, but I am a STK Values changer. and I often struggle to use discord because of many reasons, and I think other players have a similar problem. So that's why I created STK Fan Group. so that people can chat and share there opinions about values, and the game, without discord. I will also be adding a values page were you can see all Item values so stay tuned!
*PLEASE NOTE*: STK Fan Group takes NO credit for any values, and we do not associate with the STKvalues site in any way. We are also not associated with the game in any way.
This is a pretty good site
I dont want to be a stickler lol, but barbaric is 25k on here and 37.5k on stkvalues :)
just wanted to point out that dyn value is 350k on this site and 475k on stk values along with cold axe being 75k on this site and 50k on stkvalues, I dont know if this was on purpose but thought you should know.
Greetings to all official first memebers of this great STK fan base site!!!
hello durpy I just had a trade and I got another big red lolly pop and a steel knuckle carbonder and I sent away hallowed splinter and a element of ice